Yoga Teacher Training

PCW is currently in partnership with Project Koa Yoga to provide Yoga teacher trainings centering Hawaiian culture, history, and practices; social justice at the local level; and trauma-informed, resiliency-centered Yoga and meditation.

Growing into a Yoga teaching practice is an exciting and expansive time! Drawing from 750 hours of advanced training in India and across the U.S. and 15 years of teaching trauma-informed Yoga, Pilina Center provides customized training modules, consultation, and evaluation for new and established Yoga teacher training programs.

Possible modules include: Karma Yoga, Collective Flourishing, and Solidarity; Decolonial Spaces; Behavioral Health and Belonging in Yoga; Teaching Meditation; Regulating Vital Energy: Prāṇāyāma; Teaching Yoga in Hawai'i. All modules include review of what trauma-informed Yoga could look like in varied spaces.

Connect today with questions and ideas for future growth